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A pioneer in custom book publishing since 2006, Highpoint is dedicated to enhancing your voice and influence. Highpoint Executive Publishing will publish your business book. Our consumer imprints, Highpoint Life and Highpoint Lit, will publish your biography, self-help, or fiction title. No assembly-line publishing here. You are at the center of everything we do.


We will take your visibility and career to the next level through highly personalized, professional editorial services, design and publication of your book in print and digital media.


We are committed to assisting you in every stage of your book's life, ensuring that it is professionally written, developed, published and circulated to the broadest possible audience through top-tier distributors and retailers in North America and overseas.


Highpoint's pros will identify, shape and distill your unique value proposition, and then will research the ideal customers and channels for your book.


If required, we will provide a nationally published ghostwriter to draft your manuscript to the highest standards.


Once published, your book becomes a fluid source of professional influence that flows from the printed page and digital communications platforms, acting as a powerful hub for your branding.


Our designer will work with you to craft a high-impact color cover and interior to provide lasting traction in the marketplace.

We will work with you to develop, revise and complete your full manuscript per the the optimal positioning, scope and style to serve your branding and business.

We can connect you with our world-class marketing and publicity experts so that you and your book attain even greater visibility.

“Bill Whitmore’s Highpoint book, Potential: Workplace Violence Prevention and Your Organizational Success, has further enhanced our industry visibility and greatly supported our efforts to raise awareness of this important issue. It has been a real door opener.” – Doug Fogwell, Senior Vice President, Marketing, AlliedBarton Security Services



A published book is a perfect vehicle for any aspiring author seeking to convey credibility and critical messaging to the people and organizations that matter—from potential marketing partners, to financial sources and prospective customers.


Highpoint‘s team of publishing industry veterans combine proven experience with cutting-edge tools to help you leverage this strategic opportunity — positioning, developing and publishing your own globally distributed book in print and digital media, with up to 10x the sales income of conventional imprints and powerful, high-revenue business benefits.


Maximize your editorial control and earnings potential. We're not a large, assembly-line publisher. Instead, we focus intently on your goals with unsurpassed hands-on service. Contact us to discuss how Highpoint can act as your independent imprint, providing coordinated, revenue-driving content in print and digital media.

“Highpoint Executive Publishing provides a fantastic service for business leaders and entrepreneurs who have a story to tell." .” – Will Jarred, Director of Marketing, Performance Media Group.

“Publishing the ROAR book catapulted my career forward. It gave me exposure to a new audience and allowed me to spread my message of resilience much farther than I would ever have expected. I gave a TEDx talk, received invitations to appear in media interviews, on podcasts and give keynote speeches at higher level conferences with larger reach. It helped me expand my influence and position myself as a thought leader.” – Sandy Asch, Highpoint author


“Michael's help and guidance in the publishing process was one of the best I've ever experienced – and this was my fifth book to hit the market. I've had large and small publishers, but the care, expertise, responsiveness, and attention to detail were second-to-none—my absolute highest recommendation.” – Keith Martin-Smith, Co-Founder and Trainer/Advisor at CEO²;  Book Coach/Editor; Award-Winning Author

Michael and his team were simply awesome to work with! Flip the Pyramid showcased our unique management approach, creating premium value when we sold our company.”

– Greg Slamowitz, Author / Founder & Co-CEO, Ambrose Employer Group


Michael Roney, Highpoint Publisher
Highpoint Featured in LA Weekly

Michael Roney is an award-winning publishing pro. An innovator at Random House, Bantam IDG Books Worldwide and John Wiley & Sons, he published scores of books and related interactive media products, generating well over $60 million in sales. For Forbes he has created numerous special sections for Microsoft, Novell, AT&T, Alcatel Lucent, British Airways, Qantas, Lufthansa, Samsung, Verizon, Sybase, Nokia, T-Mobile, American Express and many other global organizations and governments.

Sarah Clarehart,  Highpoint Art Director

Sarah Clarehart is a gifted graphic designer and photographer who offers decades of experience with Bantam, Random House and other global brands in books, technology and pharmaceuticals. She brings an abundance of creative ideas and graphic skills to each project, but never forgets that the author is central. Working with the Highpoint team, she helps  authors realize their creative vision in the most eloquent and effective manner possible, resulting in maximum impact for each book.

Michael Utvich, Epsilon Interactive

Michael Utvich, principal of Epsilon Interactive, provides information strategy expertise to Fortune 500 companies, with a focus on delivering high-value content via digital and print media. His extensive client list includes IBM, Xerox, Microsoft, Nissan, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Toyota, Honda, Lexus, Warner Bros., Paramount, Century 21, McDonalds, and JB Oxford. He has taught interactive media development and writing at UCLA American Film Institute (AFI), and California State University.

Highpoint's Editorial Development Team

Developmental Editors: Michael Roney, Maya Ziobro

Copyeditors: Kathryn Abbott, Katharine Dvorak, Lori Paximadis, Heather Pendley, Michael D. Welch

Proofreaders: Paula Emery, Charlotte Zuccarini, Kendra Millis

Indexers: Karl Ackley, Kendra Millis, Louisa Emmons, Pilar Wyman

Our books are available through top retailers and distributors worldwide.

Website © 2025 by The Roney Group LLC

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